Visitor Program

Sitskiing with Danielle 2022_Moment(6)Sitskiing with Danielle 2022_Moment(6) Visitors to SSMR who are not able to attend the regular SnowSport School programs due to their diverse learning needs can register in our Visitor Program.  


Register as early as possible and minimally 1 week before your arrival date. It takes time to process your paperwork and coordinate our volunteer instructors. Starting the process early helps ensure we can accommodate your requested dates. 

Please be aware that we have very limited availability on weekends in January and February but contact the visitor coordinator  and we might be able to fit you in.


Registration for Visitor Program Opens September 1st.

How It Works

Register as a SSASS student through the Snowline registration portal -make sure you have selected the Visitor program.  Once you are fully registered, and selected your desired dates, we will follow up by contacting you directly to learn more about you and your expectations. Then we assign volunteer instructor(s) to work with you when you arrive.

Please note that your application cannot be considered until it is complete including CADS membership purchased and waivers signed. 


We have a large inventory of adaptive equipment should you require it. Full non-adaptive equipment rentals are available directly from SSMR.

Cancelling a lesson

It is important to contact your instructor as early as possible if you need to cancel but at least before 6 pm the prior day otherwise you may forfeit the lesson. You may discuss with your instructor whether a make-up lesson is possible.

What is the Cost?

What information do you need to register as a SSASS student?


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